·137· Untamed Heart

For Valerie’s  ~b i r t h  m o n t h~ we are covering the maybe universally beloved but also possibly largely unknown (?? we don’t know!) romantic drama classic (???) Untamed Heart.
We have a great time talking about this ’90s gem that’s a little bit urban Nicholas Sparks, a little bit Moulin Rouge/Tarzan/Splash, and all schmaltzy Christian Slater Nature Boy, all the time.

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·136· Irish Wish

Dog mom, (cool) Disney adult, and generally fabulous person* Sarah K. Norton joins us as we travel, with Netflix’s help, to Ireland for summer vacation. Will Lindsay Lohan’s Maddie end up with the European faux Property Brother, or will she end up with Jimmy from Downton Abbey? Will she ever write the great Irish-American novel? Will she fall off the Cliffs of Moher, hit her head, and end up in Falling for Christmas again?

*and presumptive new Lindsay Lohan correspondent!

Check out Sarah and her husband’s podcast Never Grow Up!
Donate or learn more about Equality Florida here.

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·135· Connie and Carla

Two musical-loving, straight-passing white women extend their lives by wading deep into drag culture in this Pride episode in which Helen and Valerie cover the 2004 romp Connie and Carla, the largely forgotten Nia Vardalos rom-com in which two musical-loving, straight-passing white women extend their lives by wading deep into drag culture.

Donate to Fanaticure’s June 2024 Pride charity drive for Equality Florida here. Since June is almost up, we at FiLM will also be donating $1 to Equality Florida for each July 2024 download of this episode. Thank you for your support! 

Fanaticure can also be found on TwitchYouTubeInstagram, and on her podcast Two Lacquered Ladies

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·134· Singles

Welcome to Debbie Country, where Cameron Crowe is the next Martin Scorceez and the podcast hosts are admittedly pretty biased in their fervent — albeit grungy and nostalgic — love of the 1992 romantic comedy Singles

Reach out in the Falling in Love Montage Podcast group on Facebook if you want to be an early investor in our musical adaptation (don’t tell Cameron 🤫)!

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·133· How Stella Got Her Groove Back

Cohost Helen has gotten her own groove mostly back after having to skip March, and we are finally here with 1998’s How Stella Got Her Groove Back. We haven’t covered an adaptation of a work by the iconic and complicated Terry McMillan since we talked Waiting to Exhale in episode six, so if you yourself were waiting until now to exhale, we hope you’ve been resting peacefully these last eight years.

We had a lot of thoughts and feelings about this one, but we still managed to keep this conversation under 90 minutes — you hear that, everyone involved in bringing How Stella Got Her Groove Back to the screen??

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·132· Re-Patreon: M.A.S.H.

It’s March y’all, officially Spring, so in honor of that, we’re going to spring a surprise on you and switch up our regularly scheduled programing. We’re looking forward to discussing the 1998 McMillan classic How Stella Got Her Groove Back, but in the interim, please enjoy a throwback from August 2019 when we were on our beloved podcast network, Flying Machine.

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