·14· Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

Matt Damon has been quoted saying, “A friend of mine said there are only three good sequels, The New Testament is better than the Old, Huck Finn is better than Tom Sawyer, and Godfather II is better than The Godfather.”

Edge of Reason is definitely not Godfather II and also, did I really just quote Matt Damon quoting someone? I guess this means we don’t have to watch Jason Bourne [probably going to anyway].

In this v.v. complicated sequel, and to the detriment of the film, Bridget spends more time being humiliated than she spends making diary entries. Mark Darcy is ever stalwart and Daniel Cleaver is…wait, why is he here?

Helen and Valerie both agree that Edge of Reason should have resumed one whole year later but, as usual, no one consulted us.


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·13· Summer Clipisode

When the weather is hot and you just can’t find the time to get together with your sister to talk for 2 hours about a Renée Zellweger movie, that means…

…it’s time to enhance/undermine the previous 12 episodes (and one minisode) with a special clip show!

We’ve swept the snippets up from our cutting room floor, and you, dear listener, are our dustbin. You’re welcome. We’re sorry.

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·12· Dirty Dancing


Fellas, grab your watermelons; ladies, shake your maracas; college boys, put your pickles on everyone’s plates; AND for crying out loud Baby, don’t step on the one!

Helen and Valerie shave 2 hours off of their Dirty Dancing discussion only to be left with — 2 more hours?!?!

So let’s join in just one last chorus,
Listeners, Matts and guests.
What we’ve shared won’t be forgotten,
Podcasts are the best!

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·11· The Wedding Date

We’re super into you. As such, we’ve been taking this relationship slow. We waited seven episodes to introduce you to our mother and now, after ten episodes, we’re inviting you to a wedding.
If you had $6,000 for every time we dragged you to a wedding, you’d have $6,000. But maybe you’d fall in love with us? Maybe you’d miss us, even if we never met? Maybe you’d give the money back, like Nick Mercer does. Follow along and find out what kind of wedding date you are.
*Featuring our special plus-one, Frances Chang

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·10· Safe Haven

Cut your hair, grab your bag, and come along with us on a 2 hour adventure to South Port, North Carolina where young, white people fall in love. Helen and Valerie spoil the double plot twist in this surprisingly fun lady thriller adapted from, I can’t believe it, a Nicholas Sparks novel. 
Third plot twist, we loved it!

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