·26· Winter Clipisode

These podcasters do more than watch movies, call actors by the wrong name, and go off on tangential rants. OR DO THEY?
Outtakes, bloopers, and anecdotes about your favorite and least favorite chick flicks are just one chick-click away.

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·25· Overboard

In this episode, Helen observes some stunning parallels between Overboard and James Cameron’s Titanic, meanwhile Valerie fetishizes macaroni necklaces and Matt observes the many unromantic themes the film would rather you ignore.

Oh—and Happy New Year!

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·24· While You Were Sleeping

“While you were sleeping, on your brother I was creeping”

Those are just some of the lines from an epically bad rap, written by Valerie and inspired by the 1995 film While You Were Sleeping.

If you’d like to hear more of that rap, start getting her drunk like right now.

If you’d like to hear special guest Heather Hooks delight the ever-loving shit out of us, start listening like RIGHT NOW.

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·23· Crank

Chev Chelios may never be a bride. He may never land the DeLauer Diamond or Gulden’s Mustard accounts. Chev may never stand on the pitcher’s mound of a high school baseball field waiting to be kissed in front of the entire student body. Chev Chelios may never do any of these things thanks to that back-stabbing bitch, Ricky Verona. Oh, and also, Chev may die or something, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, I don’t think they’ll be friends again. Join Helen and Valerie as they are joined by ‘The Matts’ [both of them!] for a head scratching look inside “the other kind of date movie”. Hint, it’s a light flow day.

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·22· Bridget Jones’s Baby

What is there to say about Bridget Jones that we haven’t already said? It looks like a lot. Please join us for our last over-long discussion of our fierce friend. 
2016’s Baby has taken full advantage of its generous gestation period and presents a noticeably grown-up film while still offering moments of pleasant predictability. 

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·21· Jane Eyre

A lot has changed since Jane Eyre: An Autobiography was first published. Foremost, women are less likely to publish work under a man’s name for fear of facing discrimination (although I imagine this still occurs).

But one thing has not changed, women still love men who are hiding other women in their attics. <— definitely not true. I made that up.

This podcast, while “small and plain” is still very spirited and not actually small at all (read: too long).

Reader, we have a lot to say about the 2011 Jane Eyre.

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